1988 Moskau gabs vor Gorbatschow
8 images Created 14 Aug 2010
Moskau gab es vor ( Michail Sergejewitsch ) Gorbatschow. Serie eines fiktiven Spionagefalls in Moskau anhand eines Touristen-Super-8-Films meines Vaters, der als West-Deutscher für eine Politik des Dialogs mit dem Osten eintrat und dafür nicht Mallorca oder Italien, wohin es viele Deutsche in den Urlaub zog, sondern die Sowjetunion besuchte. Nach den grausamen Erfahrungen europäischer Diktaturen und der Weltkriege steht die Arbeit für eine Dialogbereitschaft, besonders mit vermeintlichen Feinden während des "Kalten Krieges".
There was a Moscow before ( Michail Sergejewitsch ) Gorbatschow. A photo series of a fictional spy event in Moscow, based on a Super-8 film done by my father as a west German in 1974, while he was visiting Moscow instead of Mallorca or Italy to where many Germans went for holidays. As a result of the horrible world wars and dictatorships in Europe the work stands for a dialogue with our so called opponents during the "cold war".
There was a Moscow before ( Michail Sergejewitsch ) Gorbatschow. A photo series of a fictional spy event in Moscow, based on a Super-8 film done by my father as a west German in 1974, while he was visiting Moscow instead of Mallorca or Italy to where many Germans went for holidays. As a result of the horrible world wars and dictatorships in Europe the work stands for a dialogue with our so called opponents during the "cold war".